MFMQ - We’re not a gathering; We’re Family


  • Relationships - Both with God and People. Pursue after righteousness and strengthen your communication and fellowship with each other. We just don’t want to attend gatherings but building the unity among us. We welcome anyone who enter these doors with open arms because it’s the soul that matters.


  • Evangelism - When we come to Christ it’s no more ABOUT ME but OTHERS! Sharing the new life we are living. Go and tell what we’ve experienced. Everyone is an evangelist!! Being visible in our community because we exist for others and not just ourselves.


  • Discipleship - Applying ourselves to Spiritual Disciplines and Sound Doctrine. That is growing in Prayer and the WORD. You shall know the truth and it shall make you free. This also includes management of out time and money.


  • Christian Education & Self Development - “What brought you here may not take you there.” Leaders are readers and are learners. Be open to learn new things and initiatives. Growth is daily.


  • Godly Lifestyle - We are the Ecclesia - the called out ones therefore our living out to be different because we represent the Kingdom of God and MFMQ.


  • Excellence - Whatever we do should be done with the Spirit of Excellence. David said “I will not give to God anything that cost me nothing. Order - Let everything be done decently and in order. Maintain order and protocol in the Sanctuary. In our worship, interactions, in the sanctuary and out of the sanctuary. It begins from the outside of the Sanctuary, during the service until we depart.


  • Honor - We first honor God and honor those who God has placed over us with Double Honor. 1 Tim 5:17. Watching out for your leaders and guarding the vision God has given to them.


  • Team Spirit - We are all working towards one goal even though we are fulfilling different functions. We are many member but one body and therefore every member has it’s own functions.


  • Mentorship - Be a big brother or a big sister by helping others to enjoy the abundant life - body, soul & spirit. We need to take good care of the physical body so that we can do the work of the ministry.


  • Generosity - Serving the kingdom liberally and others with our Time, Treasure and Talent. We support the vision in this house so that others can be blessed from it.


We embrace our Values as a Church Family!!